Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lessons from Little Girl Adventures

It's been a week since I took my sweet nieces home, and oh, how this big old house has resonated the quiet until it's barely tolerable!  These two precious girls taught me so much in one week:

~Rest time is important for everyone, including the dogs.

~My dogs (yes, both of them) are happiest with children under the roof.

~Swimming is great for getting everyone to sleep well, and the water is soothing for homesick souls.

~The heat can almost be forgotten while at the zoo.

~I won't have to give up my Tundra when I finally have kids.  Two carseats fit nicely in the back seat, along with a full week's worth of perishable groceries.  The non-perishables, a stroller, and anything else I need stay put in the bed of the truck with the bed cover.  AWESOME!

~Prayer time can happen anytime, and should happen anytime. 

~Little hands are just as capable of doing all I can do (putting away clothes, making the bed, clearing the table, etc), but might need more time to accomplish the task.  There's no reason to rush those sweet little hands.  Let them learn.

~It really is a treat to watch sweet girls sleep and sleep and sleep.

~Coloring books and library books are a perfect TV replacer.

~The library is a parent's life-saver.  Endless hours of free entertainment and wonder to all be enjoyed at home!

~Seeing my favorite places through the eyes of children is complete joy.

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