Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fun Day!

Today has been a day full of bigger babies! My Trio of Trouble (Loulou, Aggie, and DD) didn't let me down when it came to hugs and play time, which is always why I'm going to bed at 9:00 tonight. Ha!

This morning we visited Bill and Bette Bryant House so that the Vaughans could say goodbye as they leave on Saturday to go home to Louisville. We went for recess, between lunch and naps. Now that the yard is all cleaned up thanks to Matthew's creative garden idea, they have lots of room to play. The house mom brought out balloons, which were a huge hit, especially with the breeze! I think the teetertotter is my favorite toy there. Yes, I did ride on it!
Road to B&BB Home
Matthew's Garden


Meg arrived today from Michigan, via a one month stop in Mozambique for mission work. I'm hoping to have yet another partner in crime while I'm here now. :) She just graduated with a social work degree, so between the two of us, I bet we could fix all of the world's problems. We'll see...

I finally got to visit House of Martha today. It's for the older kids, so there is a bigger play ground, picnic pavilion, school house, and a girls' ngobwe. Ngobwes are community living centers that allow them to learn how to live and work as a community so that they can be ready for society as adults. The boys' ngobwe is being built, along with a skills and craft room. Sadly, most of the kids were off site at soccer (excuse me, football) practice, so I'll have to go back soon to visit with them.

It seems one of the bigger baby boys might have measles. I knew there was an outbreak before I left, and it looks like we may now be dealing with it too. Please pray for him and the other kids.

If you aren't on Facebook, click this link if you'd like to see a local project and learn how you can help families in Lusaka learn to be self sustaining.

Thanks for all of the emails. I love hearing what's happening back home!

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