Friday, May 18, 2012


It's ours!  Nothing seems real yet, and probably won't for a while.  It doesn't seem possible that we actually own something so big.  Our house is everything I didn't want: not in the community where I grew up, it's 2 story, it's big, and it doesn't have a pool.  Yet, I am eternally grateful that my God is wiser than me and has no qualms in telling me to shut it and move over so He can work.  Thankfully, this time I listened.

We began looking at houses on a Maundy Thursday.  On the Tuesday after Easter, we looked at this house. I was shocked when we walked in that it was in our price range, but it most certainly was.  We made on offer two days later, and it was accepted in 3 hours.  The mortgage paperwork flew through the process in record time, our inspection was practically flawless, the house is just barely out of the dreaded 100 year flood plain, and closing took a grand total of 39 minutes.  Yes, dear friends, God's hand has been all over this entire process.  His goodness is humbling.  This house belongs entirely to Him (James 1:17), and our prayer is that we use it daily to bring glory and honor to His name alone.

For those who have been asking for details: It was built in 1996, foreclosed on 2 years ago, purchased by a realtor, and flipped.  There are certainly things we want to do to it to make it our own, but they're minor.  Isaac does get his 3 car garage, and the neighborhood pool is directly to the right as you look in the above photo.  We'll move a week from today. 

Solo gloria Deo!


Arielle said...

omgosh i love it!

Kristin said...

Laura, your house is gorgeous. I cannot wait to see the inside in person. James and I were just talking two nights ago when we ran across a little snow white book you gave my mom for Sadie to have perhaps some time back? Anyway, we were in agreement that we must spend some more time with y'all. Dinner at our house perhaps then when y'all are settled in we should hang at yours? Anyway, we'd love to get to know y'all better as a couple and develop that friendship! :)

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