Friday, April 29, 2011

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

I don't remember life as a little girl where princesses, castles, horses, and weddings weren't part of my conversations.  I was the epitome of 'girly-ness' as a child, and I do believe I knew the relationships between Britain's reining family before I was quite sure who were great-aunts or second cousins of my own.  My mom thought highly of Princess Diana, and my great-grandmother had the wedding dolls of Diana and Charles, which of course were special play things of mine.  As I grew older and began to read, I loved books about British history, and a bit later, Russian history.  Of course, Jane Austen played a huge role in my love of all things British, along with my time in Britain and Ireland as a young teen.  I have always been, and always will be, a grateful American, but I cherish my deep Irish and British roots, and I'm fascinated by my dad's time in Russia.  The entwining of European history and family lines intrigues me to no end, and when the pieces are carefully placed, one brilliant, beautiful, and sometimes tragic picture unfolds that really has shaped the course of all the rest of the nations in the world.

Therefore, it's no surprise that I was interested in William and Catherine's wedding this morning, although my own 'girly' side GREATLY gave way to more of a cowgirl as I turned in an adult.  Yes, I wanted to see the dresses and crowds and the love story turn a new chapter, but more, I wanted to see history made between two people who have the power to influence the world and who are the legacy of over a thousand years of a nation.
There's a deep part of my soul that loves a good, fancy wedding because our Lord is such a romantic and has an even grander wedding banquet prepared for us upon His return (check out Revelation 19 and 21 for a tiny taste). The Word of God, the message of salvation, the way to live in holiness and not selfish ambition, was proclaimed to billions of people today because of the wedding of these two people.  God is beckoning you to the bond of a lifetime-have you said "yes"?  Oh, how I pray that the words of those that spoke at the ceremony will resound in the hearts of the lost, that many will come to salvation because two people fell in love.

Isaac and I enjoyed eating our breakfast in the living room so we could rewind BBCAmerica's wedding coverage and watch the ceremony this morning.  It was bittersweet watching on TV the streets of London that I adore so much.  I loved being the in-house history expert that got to answer questions from my husband and folks at school today.  It's exciting to watch two people so in love enjoy special moments.  They both looked joyous, composed, and thrilled with the decisions being proclaimed today.  I wish William and Catherine all the best as they begin their marriage.  Lord, may they come to know You and exemplify You.

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