Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Green Thumb

I've been talking for a while about how fun it would be to grow a small garden. We're having great success with the flowers we've planted, so I thought fruits and veggies sounded like a treat. Isaac saw this nifty greenhouse started kit for $5 at Wal-mart and asked if I was ready to begin. Of course I was!!!

Isaac helped me water the peat pellets. They grow once wet; it's fun to watch them, like the little capsules that turned into animal sponges that we all grew as kids!

I took a toothpick and gently pulled back the netting so I could dig little holes for the seeds.

We planted a different kind of seed in each row. I made little flags out of post its and toothpicks so that we'll remember what we planted in a few weeks when it's time to move the seedlings to the ground.

Here's the final product of the planting experience. I know the tags are clear in the picture, but we have spinach, dill, cucumbers, watermelon, pumpkins, green bell peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos, broccoli, and cantaloupe. For now, the greenhouse lives in the garage. Once the seedlings sprout, the greenhouse will be moved outdoors during the day and come back inside at night. After they grow a bit more, we'll transfer them to the courtyard off of our bedroom. I'll keep you posted on the progress these little guys make!

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