Sunday, April 25, 2010

Girls' Weekend

Isaac went to Ohio for Mark's bachelor party (serious go-kart racing, wiffle ball, and grilling...perfect man day!), so I went to Arlington to be with my brother Jeff's wife and two girls while he's away in Zambia visiting his siblings and cousins for the first time in 12 years. It was the most perfect weekend! To think I almost wanted to fuss about the long drive (not my cup of tea...after 2 hours, I want OUT of the car!), but when Jeff texted me Saturday morning me with, "thank you for visiting my girls this weekend, sister", all travel qualms were history. That word is still so precious and sweet to my ears. Some day, I will share the trafficking story about my brothers, but that's a sad post for another time. Today is happiness!
After being in car for 5 hours on Saturday, I asked Bridget if she had ever taken the girls to the Ft. Worth Zoo. It is one of my favorite zoos in the country (I visit zoos every time I travel, if at all possible, and FW has always remained high on the list), and the weather was an absolute joy. They had not gone, but Bridget thought it was a fabulous idea, so we packed up the girls (Tina, 4, and Joelle, 8 months today) and headed 20 minutes west to the zoo. Tina quickly figured out the zoo map (yay for pictures!) and led us on a great adventure of animals galore!
Sweet favorites, along with the elephants!
Tina with the Queen of the Jungle!
Gorgeous family!

My brother has a FABULOUS family!

This morning we nearly missed church when we opened the garage door to see that the neighbor parked a car right in front of it! The townhomes share four garages to a driveway, and there is plenty of parking 10 steps away,(literally, I counted), but this neighbor didn't pay attention to that. Bridget tried to get them to answer their door, but they wouldn't. So, what do two, quick on their feet, resourceful women do when the Holy Spirit is calling? We each grabbed a car seat, anchored and belted them into Ol' Sarge, and off we went to church! Take that Satan, trying to keep us from hearing our Lord's message. I don't think so, buddy! A guy that was a few years old than me in youth group at UBC, Clint Dobson, is the pastor of their church. Small word! Clint and Bridget were amazed at the connection. I enjoyed getting to discuss the sermon with Bridget. What a treat to have another woman to share with!

I'm struggling to put the emotions from this weekend into words. Seeing how God has brought the love of a family full circle from 14 1/2 years ago is humbling and a blessing. Jeff, Fred, Yona, and Kelvin are my brothers, regardless of the looks we get, and their families are as dear to me as Laura and her family are to me with David. To be snuggled up on the couch with both Tina and Joelle last night and this morning while visiting with Bridget brought such peace to my soul. Knowing that a nightmare situation of abuse and hatred has butterflied into a loving, beautiful, happy, family is nearly more exuberant joy than this heart of my can take. Then, when I called Bridget to tell her I made it home safely, they all told me they missed me already. I can't wait for our next visit in June! Our God is so good.

Bridget was so patient with me as I picked her brain, asking question after question about life back home in Lusaka. She was a fabulous teacher, and I came home with much more understanding of the inner workings of the city. Of course, now my heart is even more anxious to visit, but God has a time for that, and I must wait. I also came home with recipes for nshima! YAY! I hope I don't botch it too badly the first time I try it.

Jeff, my brother, you have the most beautiful, precious wife. Thank you for sharing her and your sweet girls with me! I am so blessed because of the four of you.

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