Saturday, April 11, 2009

Target Practice

I went for a manicure at 9:00 this morning, and then headed to my grandparents to load up the firearms and amo to go shoot. Only in Texas would those two events coincide in such a short time period, but that's the real Laura Anne Pearce for ya. Dede (my granddad) is a member of a shooting club nearby, and I've been itching for a few free hours to go shoot with him. I hadn't had my hands on a firearm in nearly two years because movin away from College Station and my grandparents moving away from Kentucky had left me without a free place to shoot. Yay for the shooting club Dede found! Howerve, I don't think the time lapse has hurt my skills. :) I shot a .22 rifle and a .22 revolver today. We can't find .45 and .38 ammo anywhere, but when we do, I'll have to pull out the 'big guns' and shoot pistols soon. I only wish I had enough guts to hang these in my classroom! I bet it'd make the whining stop! Thank you, Dede, for such a fun time!

Target 1. I was a bit to the right at first, but I got into the black pretty quick!

Target 2. :)

A very nice man let us use one of his 'shoot n c' targets. They are so cool! We're going to get some for next weekend. I think I'm ready to join the Texas Militia.

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