Thursday, June 2, 2011

Last Day of School and Summer Fun

Summer is here!  I can't believe my 'little' sixth graders are now ready to move to 7th grade.  We've only had a few bumps this year; the kids have done so well!  Next year will be a bit different for me as far as teaching style, and I'm excited to to see what happens as the new year unfolds. 

Usually, I'm quite content with my little family, but the past two days my friends have been sharing all of their fun plans for their summer.  They all have kids, and it's wonderful all that they want to do with their sweet ones while we're on summer break.  This doesn't happen often, but a twinge of jealousy has certainly hit me.  Every once and a while I feel that I'm 'missing out' by not having kids to 'take and do' with.  That's absolutely ridiculous and Satan trying to tear me down, I know.  God has Isaac and me right where He wants us, and I know He'll make it clear exactly when He's ready for us to bring home a kiddo since there's nothing he and I can do about it.  This is certainly a time when I have to remind myself why I am not God and that x,y, and z aren't easy for Isaac and me because it's not God's timing.  Maybe it's a bit harder now because I can't go to Zambia this summer and love on Jessy, and I can't help from day dreaming from time to time about all I want to do with her, but...I serve a big God who never leaves His throne!  Amen! 

1 comment:

Courtney Griffin said...

Will be praying for you Laura! I love reading your blog!!! :) Have a FANTASTIC summer!

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