Sunday, July 19, 2015

Landing in Lusaka

Landing in Lusaka, Zambia’s capital, was extra special this time since we were introducing Man Cub to our home away from home.  Of course, the sweet babe had other plans and slept through the plane landing and some of our wait through customs.  It was a bit later before he finally put his feet on Zambian soil.

 Once we arrived at House of Moses, it was a whirlwind of introducing Man Cub to so many people we adore.  Don and Jane are here all summer from the States to oversee teams, and they couldn’t wait to get their hands on the little guy.  Then there are so many of the house mamas who’ve known me for 5 years and were so excited to meet the baby.  We also met Kurtis, who’s a teacher intern at Helen DeVos Christian School this summer.  I should’ve thought to do that for college credit-smart guy!  We quickly made him an honorary member of our team.

Saturday night was spent unpacking and repacking for Livingstone.  We decided to go ahead and do our touristy bits first so we could settle from the jet lag.  I didn’t want jet lag affecting our ability to work in Lusaka.  

Sunday morning we hopped a quick flight to Livingstone. A one hour plane ride was so tolerable compared to 16 and then 6.5 the previous two days!

Once we arrive in Livingstone, we checked into Olga’s Guest House, run by an Italian ministry.  We had hoped to find a church with an evening service, but even after asking several people, we still struck out.  Since we weren't worried about getting to church on time, we headed to the curio market to show the team incredible Zambian arts and crafts.  We did start our nightly devotions over dinner, and I'm so glad we chose to make that a part of every evening.  After dinner, we crashed, ready for a full day in Botswana at Chobe!

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