Friday, September 25, 2015

Man Cub: 14 Months

Sweet Boy,

Somehow you are less and less a baby each day, and it's so sad.  Yet your adventurous spirit, love for play and the outdoors, and generous cuddles make each day more fun than the last.  You have blossomed this month, probably in part to going to school 2 days a week.  You are cautiously confident and in love with your family.  We pray each day for God to guide your heart.  We love you so very, very much!

We love that you love sleep!  You sleep through the night like a pro.  This month saw you officially drop your morning nap, though we've noticed that if you can squeeze in a 20 minute morning siesta, you do!  Sneaky!  Your afternoon nap is somewhere between 1.5-3 hours, even at school!  Go, buddy!

You are still so picky.  You love veggies pouches, fruit of all kinds, mac 'n cheese, cheese, yogurt, and sometimes cereal and crackers.  Most mornings we can get you to eat a gluten-free waffle or Plum bar.  Sometimes you will eat fresh, deli turkey with cheese and dijon mustard on wheat bread.  Sigh.  This phase can pass any day now!
You know the way to the playground all by yourself. You give the slobberiest, biggest kisses in the world, and you love to give them!  You feed the dogs their meals.  It's so sweet to watch you carry their scoops of food in both of your little hands to their bowls.  If a kibble spills, you stop, squat down, pick it up, and put it back in the cup.  You so gingerly dump the cup into the food bowl.  Precious!  You also can give the puppies their treats before we leave the house.  You are so close to being able to go down the stairs by yourself.  You are also very close to putting on your own shoes.  You try so hard!

You still love bubbles and pushing your push toys.  You love being outside, especially with the dogs in the drive way and at the playground.  Bathtime is usually still a favorite.  The pups enthrall you to no end.  You love cars and making car noises, running in circles, dancing, and 'singing'.  You're learning songs and dances at school, and you like to come home and show us your renditions of them.  Hilarious!

Food!  Seriously, I'm done with this phase.  You do not like being tired and will gladly go to bed when you're sleepy.  
14 Month Stats:
Weight: 22 pounds
Length:  30 inches
Eating: nursing 7:00 AM, 4:45 PM, and 7:30 PM; breakfast around 7:15, lunch around 11:15, and dinner around 5:30.
Bedtime: between 7:30-7:45
Awake: sometime between 6:45-7:10
Naps: ~12:30-3:00
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: size 12 months, 12-18 months, and a few 18 months onesies; size 12 months pants/shorts; 12 months, 12-18 months, and a few 18 months rompers.  You're just sleeping in onesies now for pjs because it's so warm.
Shoes: Size 4

 Year One:
 Year Two:

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