Friday, January 4, 2013

Snowy Day in the Country

January 2013 has just been a blast.  On the first, I went skiing.  On the 2nd, I went to my first basketball game at Rupp, and on the 3rd, I shot guns and cuddled horses in the snow.  Phew!

Yesterday was sunny (though flat out cold), so we took advantage of it and went to a friend's house that has a shooting range.  I hadn't shot in quite a while, but we had fun trying out new-to-us firearms. 


The best part of the day was our required visit to Dolly and Major at the Mutterspaw's farm.  Last year, little Hot Rod died, but just a few weeks ago, they added a new Shetland pony named Jenny to the farm.  She's going to foal around June, so maybe I can see a tiny little pony if we come back up this summer.  How fun!  Jenny's not nearly as cheeky as Hot Rod, but she's a sweet little girl.  All three enjoyed treats of apples and carrots and let me nuzzle and play to my heart's content.  Sigh.  :)
Dolly and Major

Sweet Jenny!

Frozen, but not thick enough yet for ice fishing.

The day ended with one last playful romp in the snow for Bailey and Aggie Belle.  I think they would love to pack up the snow and take it home with us.  Bless their hearts! 

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