Thursday, November 1, 2012

Brought To You By The Number 8

Warning: this is about as random of a post as they come, but my GT kiddos are rubbing off on me.   Obsessions just stick for a while until they are thought through completely and then are replaced with the next obsession.  The number 8 has been my current fascination.  It is probably the number with the most different variations of formation (just try grading 150 papers that all involve writing numbers-there's at least 4 ways to write an 8 and it still be correct).  It's a number, but it's curvy and continuous, and it doesn't stop.  It's so thrilling that all it takes it looking at it horizontally to make the infinity symbol.  Who thinks up these thing?  In long ago Spain, silver coins were broken into 8 pieces and used in smaller denominations. Countless pilots twist and flip their planes into a very exciting to watch maneuver called a Cuban 8. Eight has power-and history.  It's fun and beautiful and exciting, and it's nothing more than a number, but obviously worth one remembering.  Crazy, huh? 

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