Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th Weekend

I love when Isaac gets to be home with me during the day!  He was able to only work half a day on Friday, and of course he had Monday off as well.

Friday, Saturday, and Monday found us at the neighborhood pool.  I selected some dive toys from Kroger to add to our pool fun, and we rather enjoyed acting like young children, tossing out the sticks further and further to see who could grab the most the quickest without take a breath.  The poor high school aged life guards probably didn't know what to make of our shenanigans, but we greatly enjoyed ourselves.

Friday night was the first date night we had had since before school had ended.  A dear friend had sent us Olive Garden gift cards for a special treat, and with our coupon in tow, we stretched that dollar amount for all it was worth.  Delicious!  I think we've reached the point where a date night isn't complete without some sort of errand being run, which is a bit sad, but we wrapped up the night with a stop to Target for Texas summer necessities: a new belt for work for Isaac, running socks, swimsuits, and sunglasses (mine broke on the trip, and Isaac's had been broken since his brother had a bit much fun with them in Florida in February). 

Saturday was family cook out night at my parents' gorgeous house with a special bonus: Laura's mom Paula was in town and wanted to join us.  Whoop!  We all love Paula, and she's been dying to meet Miss Aggie Belle for 3 months.  I think Aggie Belle has a new friend.  :)

My grandparents attend a different Baptist church than my parents and we do, and Sagemont was having a special baptism service concluding with a patriotic tribute and firework show on Sunday night.  Nanny and Dede are so faithful to attend the musical events in which Isaac and I play and sing, so we decided to return the favor and join them.  We were so glad we did!  Over 10 people were baptized (I lost count, and there wasn't a program), and the music was great!  Anytime a full orchestra and talented choir get together, I'm nearly guaranteed to have a good time.  When Sagemont's music minister told my grandparents that he goes all out when it comes to fireworks, he wasn't kidding!  The traffic on the Beltway nearly came to a complete stop during the show. 

On Monday we went to the movies and then headed to Kemah at the last minute to see more fireworks.  We thought we had gotten our firework fix on Sunday, but decided we were wrong.  The Kemah Boardwalk put on a great show, and we managed to miss all of the traffic!  Ha!

Happy birthday, America!

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