Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Brother is a Married Man

Growing up, I don't think siblings think much about each other eventually becoming married.  David and I sure didn't.  My dad keeps telling me David had to find a girl that has many similar characteristics and the same name as me because he just loves me so much.  I laugh every time he says that, but it's a sweet thought.  I think Laura just has what it takes to woo my brother.  :)

How does one describe a wedding that has been nineteen months in the making?  We do things big in my family.  Isaac and I had a huge, fancy, we hope God-honoring wedding, and the bar was set high for David and Laura.  I don't think they disappointed anyone!

Paula knew David and Laura had spied on Isaac and me during our 'first look' so she grabbed me so I could do the same.  I'm so glad I was a witness to such a special moment.  Oh, my brother!  I love him!

The ceremony was beautiful with a string quartet and a fabulous organists for Laura's entrance and the newlyweds' recessional.  Our friend Bob Lilly has a degree in vocal performance, and he sang a lovely version of The Prayer (watch out Josh Groban).  Their pastor read beautiful words David and Laura wrote about marriage and Christ as their center.  I won't soon forget the look of my brother's face as he watched his bride walk down the aisle. 

Of course, every wedding has to have some humor, and this one's came in the form of Gracie, one of the junior bridesmaids, pulling out her incredibly loose tooth about 10 minutes before we were to process down the aisle.  It was bothering her, so with a yank, out it came!  So funny!  It was so loose, it hardly even bled (thank goodness!).

Old Rice Hotel in Downtown Houston is now condos, but the Crystal Ballroom is still a relic from wild-west Houston days of Capital of Texas glory.  If you know my brother, you know just how perfect of a tribute this is to him.  We began our time downstairs in the lobby with a cocktail hour and then moved upstairs for dinner and dancing.  Sambuca catered the meal, and it was fabulous!  The ballroom was gorgeous, as were the cakes. 

Between my niece and nephew and lots of family, I hardly left the dance floor.   I don't dance often, but I do enjoy a good time when the opportunity presents itself.  I had sore feet this morning, and a sore hip, but it was completely worth it. 

The only bad part to any wedding is that it must end, and the family and friends who have traveled from afar must return home.  It was so hard to give those last hugs as folks headed off to the airports this afternoon.  I took Bethany back to Bush early this evening, and between exhaustion and sadness had a rough drive home.  We need someone else to fall in love so we can do this all over again soon! 

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. ~James 1:17

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