Our Precious Boy,
We've had your gorgeous blue eyes and bubbly personality for a year and a half now. We fall more in love with you every day. You are learning so quickly and so fast. Your grandparents are convinced you're gifted, but Mommy and Daddy just know you are an answer to every prayer we pray for you. Smarts don't matter-your heart for Jesus and loving others does! You are enthralled with the world around you, and we're excited to help you learn. Keep shining for Jesus, Big Boy. We love you to the moon!
You are still the same awesome sleeper we know and love. Apparently you wake up crazy early if you spend the night with Mama and Papa, but who can blame you? There is too much to do there to sleep! I think it's absolutely precious that you still sleep like a little tree frog. You have been our little froggy since you were born!
I don't think we've gotten you to try any new foods this month, but at least you aren't refusing foods that you normally like. You are a healthy eater, but we do wish you liked a wider variety of healthy things. You definitely don't care for cake, but you do like cookies, as we've learned with all of the January birthday celebrations we've had lately.
You are still working on blowing bubbles and floating in the tub. Come on, summer! You mastered the new playground in our neighborhood, including the rock wall, in one visit. You have gone on a few walks in the neighborhood without the stroller and done just fine. You still feed the dogs for us. You say thank you almost every time someone gives you something without being prompted. You rode Brownie (a pony we know) for the first time alone, and you did great!! No tears, and you balanced well with just a little help from me. I think this one is a little weird, but you like to go around putting trash in the trash can. New words: puddle, dump truck, bus, Jacob, Bonnie, show, Howie (a pig we know), Jack (another pig we know), horse, pizza, butter (for peanut butter), round and round, boat Gabe (a goat we know), touchdown, breakfast, beep beep, here ya go, all gone, all done, ostrich, what is this?, cup, orange, alligator, crocodile, NASA, arms, teacher, children, read, frog, bear, brown, oh no, stuck, water, stick it, stick, box, granola, sky, thirsty, twig, go, crackers, thank you.
Being on the farm, horses (finally!!!! No more being afraid!), Bailey, and all of the other things you've been liking. You and Aggie Belle are buds, and you play, but Bailey is just your favorite. It's so sweet seeing my boys together. You cannot get enough of being outside, even if it's cold or rainy. You had your first (and only) snow days this month, and you adore snow. Daddy is already planning ski school for next winter. Daddy won a little cork gun, and you love it!
Getting dressed, being tired, being hungry
18 Month Stats:
Weight: 25 pounds, 6 ounces
Length: 32.7 inches
Eating: nursing
7:00 AM, 4:45 PM, and 7:30 PM;
breakfast around
7:15, lunch around 11:15, and dinner around 5:30.
Bedtime: between 7:30-7:45
Awake: sometime between 6:45-7:10
Naps: ~12:30-3:00
Clothes: size 12-18 months, and 18 months onesies; 12-18 months pants/shorts; 18 months rompers. 18 months pjs.
Shoes: Size 5
Year 1
Year 2